Monday, September 30, 2019

Mortiz Schlick: the Meaning of Life in Play Essay

I do not agree with Schlick’s contention that the meaning of life is grounded in the act of play and not work. I disagree for three main reasons. First, I find Schlicks account of forgetting the purpose of activities to be somewhat flawed. He demonstrates how the purpose of an activity does not yield meaning and that work is a means to a goal. I find a discrepancy in this in regards to his acceptance of Goethe’s rule. Schlick also holds that in order for us to understand how to lead a meaningful life through creative-play, that we do it by emulating children or youth. I disagree with Schlicks supposed template for meaningfulness due to the feelings associated with creative-play and what it is to feel meaning in something. I argue that he is appealing to emotions rather than the quality of meaning. Finally, I discuss Schlicks understanding of youth and what it means to attempt to emulate it. I believe that he is too presumptuous and assumes that all youth is experienced in a similar manner; this is not the case each individual possesses a different aspect of what youthful living is and was. Schlick holds that creative play may produce valuable goods in the same way that unpleasurable activity or work can. He then goes on to say that the more activities become play, the more work would be accomplished and value would arise from it. He finishes by saying that work is human action because we think of the outcomes or benefits, and not because we arrive at them. He uses examples such as the artist using the act of creation as a means of forgetting the rewards of the project he toils away at. I disagree with Schlick, or his understanding of forgetting the fruits beared from the act of creative play. In this sense, Schlick is assuming that we cannot have a goal in mind in order to derive meaning from the moment. He stresses that purposeless activities are the key to deriving meaning but what gives rise to the initiation of these activities? If there is no reason for the artist to pick up a paint brush then why bother do it? Schlick may argue that the artist finds meaning through painting because the entire process of creation is a joyful moment, even the tasks that are required to prepare to make art. I question what made the person become an artist then. There will be a precursor to each individuals decision that will be a reason as to why they decided to pursue something. I believe that Schlicks idea that the artist may lose himself in the moment of creation and derive meaning from it holds true to his theory, but I argue that it was necessary for a goal or purpose to be understood prior to seeking it. The goal provides a means to deriving meaning out of the appreciation of the activity. Unfortunately, not all goals or purposes can necessarily be thought of as a moment in which one could be enthusiastic about. I find it hard to believe that life threatening situations could be regarded as moments in which someone became enthusiastic or finds bliss to derive meaning. Certain goals, such as survival, provide stressors necessary for we as humans to complete a goal. It is in these moments of high stress that I would argue the meaningful moment be derived from the outcome or completion of the goal. Schlick may argue that life loses the power of creation when focused on distant goals but prior to that he mentions Goethe’s rule of working hard to play hard. It seems Schlick is willing to accept the possibility of individuals working towards goals so long as they never forget the value of joy and festivities. I believe this to be a flaw because he is considering work as a means to the meaning life, if the outcome of work is to be joyous and playful. This potentially contradicts his previous contention that the meaning of life is grounded in play. It does not specifically depict work as a meaning to life, but describes how it can be a necessary component of it. The combination of work and play grounding a meaning in life seems to be the result of this flaw. Secondly, Schlick emphasizes that children are living the most profound, meaningful lives because they do not have a work centered perspective of life. Complementary to his argument that life’s meaning lies in creative-play and not work, we can learn from the essence of what it is to be a child to appreciate creative-play as a child does. With this in mind, we find meaning by losing ourselves in the moment while completing activities, or rather change our attitude towards the activities we are doing so that we disregard the goal and appreciate the moment. Children are used as a template in order for older individuals who do not believe they are experiencing meaningful events to learn how to perform purposeless activities that yield meaning subjectively. Youth in this sense however is coined more properly as enthusiasm. Youth can be attained at any age because it represents a state in life referring to the purposeless enjoyment, learned from children’s play. I do not agree with Schick’s argument in terms of youthful living accounting for a meaning in life. I disagree with this notion because although the state of youthful living may bring about the acknowledgement of meaningfulness while captured in a moment, it is still very much a feeling of meaningfulness. This feeling is an emotion that we appeal to in order to enjoy, perplex or anger us for example to experience the meaningful moment. We may find meaning in creative play by tickling our brains with complicated conundrums or releasing our anger during a workout at the gym, but this meaning is not understood subjectively unless we feel it is meaningful. To lose oneself in a moment of purposeless activity that provides a sense of meaningful existence is still relying on a subjective enjoyment of the situation, which is translated through our senses and perceived by however we view the activities ourselves. In this sense, it seems that the ultimate goal of living youthfully is to appeal to the feelings which we find the most beneficial while performing activities that seem without purpose. These activities do have purpose in that they warrant desired feelings and results. To summarize this point, meaningful activities or purposeless activities derive meaning through subjectively losing oneself in the moment or becoming enthusiastic about the activity, which is transcribed into the emotions which one feels in order to understand that the moment or activity has meaning. Thus living youthfully is a cycle in which we attempt to experience feelings or emotions through activities that we subjectively feel are meaningful. Although the creative-play theory holds that intrinsically valuable activities are meaningful, I believe based on these notions that living youthfully in Schlick’s sense demonstrates how one can find enjoyment in life at all stages. It does this by changing our paradigm of work being a task of frustration, and allows us to enjoy the menial aspects of life by appreciating everything about it. Thirdly, I find a different flaw in Schick’s argument towards youthful living making for a meaningful life. Youth in Schlick’s analogy is represented by a sort of enthusiasm for doing things where the aim of the activity is lost, and meaning is derived from being in the moment. This term youth is not universal all over the world. In many underdeveloped countries youthful living is complicated by class or caste distinction, race and sex. By appealing to a state which he claims is supposedly shared universally by children or youth world-wide, he is saying that they all are able to bring to fruition a meaningful activity. What about areas where child labour is a regular staple to the economy? Do individuals learn youthful behaviour from children or who have work centered lives without play? Are young girls who lack rights and are married off at an early age demonstrating the very same youthful behaviour that enables creative-play? Would experiences such as these not depict a sour view of childhood and youth? It seems to me that youthful behaviour could be drastically different, parallel to our own area. In this case, creative play is subjective to different regions of the world. No one person will share the direct aspects of youth that is described by Schlick, because there is no precise cookie-cutter depiction of youth to be embodied. He states that â€Å" The more youth is realized in life,the more valuable it is, and if a person dies young, however long he may have lived, his life has ad meaning†(71). This cannot be true if youth is not understood in the sense that Schlick assumes the world shares, because no youth would yield no value. Therefore, Schlick’s contention that the meaning in life is grounded in play and not work requires revision based on my arguments. There can be reason for our goals if we proceed to enjoy and celebrate our success from work. Although we benefit from creative-play during the moment we are still able to endure menial or mundane tasks so we may succeed and appreciate life itself and derive meaning from the moment. Schlick should also account for our emotions being a possible vector for the meaning of life in his understanding. We can appeal to feelings to make those meaningful moments seem as meaningful as they are. It’s not necessarily what we do but what we feel when doing it that may make for a meaning in life at the given moment. In order for us to appeal to creative play through youth, we must first understand that youth is not a fixed term in the sense that Schlick implies. Experiences of youth are various in scope and do not yield the same type of play that Schlick believes is a model for learning creative play. Schlick must redefine this template to encompass a fundamental feature that we all share as individuals. That way an objective feature of people will provide means to subjective meaningfulness in life in accordance with Schlicks model. References Klemke and Schlick. On the meaning of life. New York, NY: Oxford University Press Inc. , 2008.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fate vs. Freewill – Romeo and Juliet

Till one of their choices they make brings an end to the both of them. Ultimately, Shakespeare Is showing us In the play that we are humans all act on our own freewill. When Romeo goes to the Caplet party, it was pretty obvious that he made the choice to go himself. Romeo knew it wasn't right to go to his enemy's party and he knew that if he got caught then things won't end well. Romeo was imagining all the bad things that happen If he went in and to back It up he told Mercuric about the dream he had. The dream was about something bad happening. Like for example: his death.Nobody forced Romeo to in to the Caplet party. He made the decisions himself. Fate kind of played a part warning him that it, might not be safe going to the party. But Romeo has a mind of his own and his mind made the choice to go and Just ignore the warning. After the party and when Romeo and Juliet meet, they fell In love and decided to get married. It wasn't an arranged marriage, It was pretty straight-forward t hat they both wanted to be with each other. Their plan was to be married at Friar Laurence ell without anyone knowing, the only exception was the Nurse and Friar Laurence. If thy bent of love be honorable. Thy purpose marriage, send me word to-morrow, By one that I'll procure to come to thee, Where and what time thou wilt perform rite. † (Shakespeare, 95) Romeo and Juliet decided themselves that they were going to get married to each other, knowing that their parents would not approve. Fate did not bring them to this decision. It was the act of freewill that bought them to come to this decision. After the marriage Romeo gets banished and Juliet decides to â€Å"take† her life so she an be with Romeo.She finds out she is to marry Paris (after she already married Romeo) and she doesn't want to. She then seeks help from Friar Laurence at his cell and then threatens to really kill herself If he does not help. He then gives her fake poison so she may appear dead and then he will send for Romeo to come and be there for when Juliet wakes up. She was very skeptical about taking the fake poison because she wondered if it was real poison and she had so many thoughts about the plan and how it might not work. She was right, the plan went awry and didn't very well. Tell me not, Friar, that thou hearts of this, unless thou tell me how I may prevent It. If In thy wisdom thou cants give no help, Do thou but call my resolution wise, And with this knife I'll help It presently. † (Shakespeare) It was pretty clear that Gullet 010 not want to marry earls, so seen desperately made ten console nearest to Take her death. There were other options that she could've have chose from. Like for example: marry Paris instead and forget about Romeo because no one else knew bout her marrying Romeo.But she decided to take it to an extreme because she loves Romeo that much. Through all the conflict that happened within Romeo and Juliet shows us that fate does not set a road fo r us to take and that freewill gives us choices that we have to make ourselves. We as humans all act on our own freewill, we make choices; some are good and some are bad. This is probably why the play: Romeo and Juliet is relevant to today's lifestyle. We as humans live our lives learning from the choices and decisions that we make.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

An analysis of aldis strategy

An analysis of aldis strategy Introduction In 1948, the brothers Theo and Karl Albrecht opened the grocery store ‘Albrecht Discounts’ (Aldi) in Essen (Ruhr Valley), Germany. The store had a simple layout and provided a great deal of products at a low price. The company grew rapidly, owning 13 stores in 1950 and about 300 stores in 1961 across Germany. In 1961, Theo and Karl divided the company into Aldi North (run by Theo) and Aldi South (run by Karl). The reasons for this division, according to Dieter Brandes, a former managing director of Aldi in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, were different views about how to develop the business. However, the brothers normally exchanged information about a range of issues such as performance and cost figures, current and potential suppliers and they also conducted joint negotiations with suppliers. In 2003, Theo and Karl resigned as CEOs. Theo’s son, Theo Albrecht Jr, now runs Aldi North, and Juergen Kroll and Norbert Podschlapp run Aldi South. Since the â €˜Spend a little Live a lot’ message is being known by more and more people, and Aldi has been obtained ‘Best Supermarket 2009 Award’ in 2009, Aldi has become one of most reputable retailer in the international business, and it operates over 7,000 stores worldwide. Considering of this situation, it would be interesting to understand and analyse the management strategies of Aldi. Therefore, my project will analyse management strategies of Aldi which operates a discount supermarket chain in the retail industry. The paper begins by using PEST analysis, Porter’s 5 forces analysis and Competitors’ analysis to analyse the environment of supermarket industry. The next section is to analyse the strategic capability of Aldi. The following section discusses purpose of Aldi, and the final section draws recommendations for improvement of Aldi’s strategy. Section 1: Environmental Analysis PEST analysis Based on using a PEST analysis, it is likely to re cognize the core environmental influences on Aldi. Firstly, it is well-known that the major economic factor is the global recession which originally caused by the United States housing bubble during the period from 2005 to 2008. This financial event has been to strongly motivate customers who begin to purchase inexpensive products with high quality. This means that Aldi will attract a great deal of customers without advertising and doing activities of sales promotion. Because of this situation, it is not necessary to conduct new strategies for the growth of customers. On the other hand, global recession possibly result in the increase of product’s cost, thus there is a doubt of whether Aldi could sale low-price products with good quality. Therefore, Aldi should consider this problem in order to ensure future growth. Furthermore, social factors impact on Aldi includes the change in consumer taste, some of lifestyle changes and health concerns. It is clear that in recent years more and more consumers start changing their taste, for instance, an increasing demand for organic foods and ban of GM foods. Aldi should consider this factor because it may impacts on the future products’ development of strategy. Moreover, there is not doubt that some of lifestyle changes such as home shopping and interest usage might increase online shopping, thus according to this factor, Aldi possibly invest more funds to enhance their online service and delivery’s service. Recently, health concern has become a key issue around the world, so consumers tend to purchase health products without worrying about the price. For example, BSE outbreak precipitated ban of British beef (Elliott, 2005).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Informative diversity presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Informative diversity presentation - Essay Example Instead, King Abdullah has instituted what has become known as a Council of Advisors. This council of advisors helps to provide the monarch with useful information and specific policy ideas with regards to what direction the kingdom should proceed with respect to development of its resources and modernization. Furthermore, each of the council of advisors has a specific area of specialization that allows him to speak to the needs of the nation. For instance, one member of the council of advisors may have a specialization in trade and economics whereas another council advisor might have a specialization in health. In this way, the monarch is able to hear and contemplate each of the ways in which the council can advise him with regards to the best future direction for the country. As one might expect, the vast oil wealth that Saudi Arabia benefits from ha allowed the royal family to invest heavily in the infrastructure that the country relies on. These investments have begun since the early 1960s and have focused on diverse elements of societal renewal to include paving thousands of kilometers of the nation’s roads, improving the secondary educational system, and providing funding to students who would like to study aboard. Furthermore, some of these 5 year plans have focused on building a better healthcare system so that the entire nation can benefit from the wealth that the oil resources have brought. In this way, the kingdom has reinvested much of the oil wealth in visually observable ways so that the betterment of society is directly affected. (In this way, many fundamental differences exist between the two countries. As a result of the difference in culture, the people of this nation also have their own particular view of the society in which they live as compared with the rest of the world. Although this essay has focused on the dissimilarities that exist between Saudi Arabia and the United States, many

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Unmanned aerial vehicles future use from conventional airports Research Paper

Unmanned aerial vehicles future use from conventional airports - Research Paper Example The army is already surveying sites for these field tests of the system and also looking at the new means of certifying the new aviation standards that are required to ensure the safety of the system not only for other aircraft sharing the airspace as well as populations living near or around the airfields (, 2012). Social Implications When we look at the social implications of the use of drones, there has been a great deal of debate about the use of these aircraft for peacetime activities. While initially when the use of these crafts was limited to military strikes in places like Afghanistan and Iraq, the huge possibilities for their use in non-military situations – such as in crop and wildlife stock monitoring, search and rescue in dangerous weather and other conditions, fighting forest fires – has resulted in a great deal of debate about how their use would be regulated and monitored, particularly for reasons of safety. The UAV business is now valued at more than $14 billion and projections are that it will go up to $82 million and support over 70,000 jobs by 2015 (Jank & Armentrout, 2013). Another reason that has come up in the regulation of the use of UAVs has been the issue of privacy (Sengupta, 2013). UAVs can be used in monitoring border security from altitudes that would otherwise be dangerous for manned aircraft and this brings about many issues about the invasion of privacy as these UAVs are equipped with sophisticated imaging equipment that can carry out detailed surveillance and some even have capability of intercepting electronic communications (Electronic Privacy Information Centre, n.d.) These social and privacy concerns have to be dealt with before widespread use of drone technology is licensed and...The use of UAVs not only in civilian applications but also at conventional commercial airfields is now not a question of â€Å"if† but â€Å"when† as the technological, commercial and other barriers that hinder the expanded use of UAVs continue to be surmounted and overtaken. Technological Aspects One of the key technological barriers to the use of UAVs in more conventional flights has been the safety of these operations. The major difficulty has been that with conventional manned air transportation the presence of a pilot who can look outside his window and see any other aircraft that is near in the same area as them and take corrective action. This drawback has not only made it difficult for the UAVs to be used in the same airspace with other craft but it has also meant that the test and training flights of these UAVs have had to have a trailing manned aircraft making it expensive to conduct such training and in a way, defeating the whole purpose of unmanned aircraft. There are quite a slew of things that do need to be implemented before the UAVs can be incorporated into operation in the airspace currently occupied by manned aircraft, in particular the adaptation of air traffic management and air traffic control processes to cater for the new unmanned aircraft.

Preschool observation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Preschool observation - Essay Example Conducive environment increases ability to develop by observing and recognizing a need for growth in a specific content area. Right pedagogical tools fuel development by integrating inherent characteristics of an individual to observe, emulate and initiate a wide range of competencies. Literacy skills are at the heart of the knowledge based education to all children to make them competent for future. Literacy skills are composed of several components including, vocabulary and oral language, phonological awareness, knowledge of print, letters and words, comprehension, understanding of books and other texts, and a source of enjoyment. Development of literacy skills including language and communication progress are coordinated efforts of the child and the surrounding stimuli. This could be cooperatively boosted with the help of planned activities by educators. These intentional use of techniques helps to reach, teach and promote literacy learning among all the students. The children easily capture language skills by watching and listening to their teachers and colleagues without much effort. Then, they attempt to apply their vocabulary in conversation. The language is not only vocabulary but the knowledge of meaning of words, structured sound for conveying linguistic meaning and use of language in different contexts. Playful environment has unmet positive characteristics and exceptional features. This intentional learning strategy builds up various skills like verbalization, vocabulary, language comprehension, problem solving, observation, empathy, imagination, assuming another’s perspective, using symbols, and learning to cooperate with others. Play in a trustworthy environment with educator’s supervision and support; children can explore, develop, and learn language and communication skills. The learners are able to regula te the impulses and understand the need for rules. They are able to develop synergistic

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Finance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Finance - Research Paper Example Many metrics have been developed to ease this process. Faced with too much information, Investors at times get confused with no clear indication of what the true prices of stocks should be. (Penman, 2003). Under such circumstances, the investor either make decision based on his or her instinct, such investors according to Penman (2003) are intuitive investors while others who make their decision based on capital market efficiency are referred to as passive investors. This part of the question addresses the performance of a new venture to be set up to enable us make informed judgment as to a hold a buy or sell decision. Thus, the objective of this question is to analyse the liquidity, the profitability and solvency position of the new set up from information extracted from the projected profit and loss account, the balance sheet and the cash flow statement. The report do not only provide a financial overview of the new venture for the projected three years period. The question also, guide potential investors on where the business is coming from and where it is heading to. Gross profit margin assumes that in the absence of other expenses what percentage of sales comes to the corporation as profit, while net profit margin takes into consideration all the expenses and measures what percentage of sales comes in as profit after all the other expenses must have been deducted. It is important to note here that, ratio analysis in them is useless except when compared with the industry benchmark or other competitors. 2010 2011 2012 Key Data Sales 488000 536312 589943 Cost of Sales 277650 358168 392947 Gross Profit 210351 178144 196996 Operating Profit/Loss 39441 84173 93080.8 Percentages % 2010 2011 2012 Growth in Sales (%) 10.0 10.0 Gross Profit Margin (%) 43.2 33.1 33.4 Net Profit Margin (%) 8.1 15.7 15.8 From the above analysis and interpretation, one will see that our proposed new venture is a feasible and profitable business. While gross profit margin for the first three years under projection is above 30%, net profit margin also portrays a favorable situation. Analysis of Capital Employed According to Penman (2003), assets and liabilities are distinguished based on the nature of the operations the underlying operation and the funding structure. The underlying operation is represented by the operating assets of the business. Operating assets are also known as capital employed - the amount of capital that is employed in the business. Here, it is defined as being the total assets without any deduction for the creditors of the business. 000s 2010 2011 2012 Key Data Current Assets 131079 167081 229919 Fixed Assets 33362 89033 127526 Total Assets 164441 256114 357445 Percentages % 2010 2011 2012 Current assests 80 65 64 Fixed Assets 20 35 36 Key data & ROCE 2010 2011 2012 Total Assets 164441 256114 357445 Profit Before Interest& Tax 52588 112230 124108 ROCE (%) 32 44 35 This ratio ROCE measures how well a business has performed in terms of the capital used to carry out the daily operations. According to Penman (2003), it is a key performance indicator and may show a decline even though the net profit margin has gone up. This will reveal the fact that the increase in

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Hamlet - Essay Example Thesis statement: In the play Hamlet, the protagonist’s initial relationship and attitude (suspiciousness) toward death undergoes transformation and tends him to realize that revenge can solve his problems and death is usual and natural process because his realization of the inevitability of this phenomenon forces him to face alienation within his private (family) and public (society) circles. Death and Hamlet: relationship and attitude Suspiciousness: In the play, the protagonist’s (say, prince Hamlet) initial relationship with his approach towards death is based on his doubt on the ghost’s words. To be specific, he did not suspect that his uncle (say, King Claudius) is his father’s murderer. In the play, the protagonist suspiciously points out to his friend on the ghost’s existence that, â€Å"Tis very strange† (I.iii.31). Besides, the protagonist does not suspect his mother because there is no solid evidence to prove her role in the conspi racy. When the ghost instilled the protagonist’s mind with suspicion, he began to consider that death is the antagonist in his life. One can see that the unexpected murder forced the prince to change his attitude. Now, he cannot imagine himself as the next ruler of his nation because his uncle is the king. Besides, he cannot act according to the words uttered by the ghost because no one will believe his words. On the other side, the protagonist realizes that he cannot trust anybody within his public domain. All these facts force the protagonist to consider that death is trying to ruin his life. For instance, he is helpless to prove the authenticity of the apparition forcing him to act against the king. The only thing that he knows is death is trying to trap him within his private circle, and he must try to break this chain. Revenge: Somehow, the protagonist manages to keep himself away from the influence of suspicious attitude because revelation of truth transforms his opinio n on death. Now, his aim is to defeat him enemies by taking apt measures. Now, he realizes that death is the real villain because the same created much more trouble in his life. Still, he does not try to attack the murderer because he does not have any solid proof to prove his theory. One can see that the protagonist is calculative because he tries to collect evidences against his uncle. This proves that the protagonist is not afraid of death. Instead, he considers himself as the agent of death. He knows that his duty is to challenge the king and to punish him with death. In the play, the protagonist states that, â€Å"There’s ne’er a villain dwelling in all Denmark† (I.v.9). On the other side, the king knows that the protagonist suspects him as the mastermind behind the murder. Still, he knows that the protagonist is helpless and he cannot act against him because he is the ultimate authority within his kingdom. So, the protagonist chooses the best possible way to deal with this problem, hiding his motive behind the fake identity of a lunatic. One can see that the urge to destroy the foes tends the protagonist to choose a strange identity. Now, he cannot go back to his real identity because his aim is to save his nation from the conspirators. To be specific, the protagonist realizes that he cannot support the murderer and lead a normal life. Realization: But planning does not help the protagonist to save his lover from the clutches of death. To be specific, the protagonist was totally immersed in revenge and he tries to avoid his lover (Ophelia). He knows that his relationship cannot help him to attain his aim. But his lover does not suspect that the protagonist is pretending as a lunatic person to fool his enemies. She considers that he lover is mad and others will not allow her to have marital relationship with him.

Monday, September 23, 2019

What are your top 5 strengths Describe the results from this exercise Essay

What are your top 5 strengths Describe the results from this exercise. Was this exercise beneficial to you Why, or why not Remember to cite any sources used, including the textbook - Essay Example In the world, there is no law of fairness. Considering self control, this is the ability to do things without force from other parties (Nancy, 2010, p.23). The ability to have self control comes when one has the freedom to make choices thus, the right decision, lies with the person. In the exercise, the level of self control was high because I did not need anyone so as to do the right thing. Integrity, this the personal aspect where a personal has honesty in the things that one does. In the exercise, the level of integrity was rather wanting because honesty is a self driven aspect that only the individual can put to themselves. Considering humor, this is the ability to enjoy the fun from another person, where the person likes what the other person is trying to point out. In the exercise, the level of humor was high (Nancy, 2010, p. 34). The exercise was of no benefit because there was little emphasize on the strengths that an individual has. The exercise was not elaborate thus the strengths remain the same after the exercise. The exercise would be successful if there were activities to increase the strengths in a person in consideration (Nancy, 2010,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

History of Blackpool - growth and decline Essay Example for Free

History of Blackpool growth and decline Essay For the majority of the 19th century Blackpool was a small fishing village, which received small numbers of upper class visitors who came due to the supposed healing capabilities of the coast, and its fresh air. This changed in 1846 with the creation of a railway line going up to Blackpool, which made travel to the area cheap and affordable for the public. The majority of those who decided to visit Blackpool were factory workers and their families who came from cities like Liverpool and Manchester. Due to air travel being very expensive at the time and only the rich could afford to go abroad. Blackpool became the destination to go to for the working class during their holidays. Blackpool recognised their popularity and over the years constructed three new piers to house new attractions. Three new piers were constructed, named the North, Central and South Piers and were constructed in 1863, 1868 and 1893 respectively. The Winter Gardens, which was effectively an indoor mall, was set up in 1878 and housed an opera house and a theatre. The Blackpool Illuminations, which were put up a year later, and the Blackpool Tower, built in 1894, which housed a Ballroom, Circus Hall and an Aquarium, accompanied this. Due to all these attractions Blackpool became a major tourist destination. In 1930 7 million tourists came to the area and this number increased to 17 million in 1950. Blackpool’s Decline Blackpool began to enter its decline period during the mid 20th century onwards. During this time the disposable income and free time of workers started to increase. This combined with cheaper air flight tickets and package holidays meant that people could go abroad for the first time in their lives. France and Spain were the most popular destinations and over the years started to gain more and more tourists. This took away from the number of people visiting Blackpool. As an attempt to claw back tourists hotels and restaurants in the area started to dramatically decrease their prices with the aim of attracting more tourists. This ended up having the opposite effect. While more tourists did come to the area, they were more downmarket than what Blackpool used to receive. The new crowds attracted by Blackpool were seen as antisocial and unpleasant and removed the family friendly nature associated with Blackpool. The loss of families as potential tourists was a major blow to Blackpool and further added to its decline. Blackpool’s Rejuvenation Recently Blackpool has made attempts to restore its status as a popular tourist destination. Winter Gardens was bought from its private owners and brought back into the public market and a contract with Merlin was made to include the Blackpool Tower with its other hosts of amusement parks. Additionally ? 300 million was spent in improving the state of Blackpools infrastructure. While the effort is helping Blackpool it isnt increasing its status as a tourist destination. Instead of entering Rejuvenation Blackpool has entered a state of slowed decline.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Majority of UK clothing companies struggling for survival

Majority of UK clothing companies struggling for survival The major share of the UK Clothing market is Womens, girls and childrens making up 68% of the total market. The increase in working women might have been expected to cause an upsurge in demand for smart clothing, but a major feature of the market has been a trend towards short dressing. Which targets the 18 to 25 year old market, has accepted the trend and recently recorded a pre-tax profit margin almost four times that of the industry average. Consumers are now tending towards the budget end of the market, which is targeted by companies such as Primark, Peacocks, Next, and Matalan, or the designer, premium-priced extreme (Fashion infomat, 25 May 2005). Selection of Organisation: This assignment completely deals with the changes in an organisation due to technology and what innovation has been made by the organisation to improve its profitability. Here information technology has taken as important tool of technology. This attempt aims to discuss the influence of IT systems that changes the organisation profitability and the whole structure. In the U.K fashion industry, it is the necessity to identify the market trends and respond immediately to the trends (Fashion infomat, 25 May 2005). Discount chains Next, Peacocks and Primark stores which are going to expand rapidly in this fashion trend accordingly. In the retail fashion industry like M S, Next, Top shop, Matalan etc. through a long period when they have been able to rely solely on declining prices to drive sales upwards. However, with the falling pound value and rising overseas sourcing costs, competing on price is going to become increasingly difficult for them (Fashion Retail Service, 21-May-2009). Why Primark? Look Good Pay Less The current credit crunch hit not only the UK Economy but the whole world Economy. If we look on the current UK clothing retail industry, we shall find out majority of companies are struggling for their survival. There is a few success stories in the current period of time regarding businesses, Primark is one of the company. Associated British Foods the owner of Primark have revealed that sales at Primark rose 18% in the 16 weeks to January 3, 2009 which helped by an increase in selling space and very good like-for-like sales growth. Primarks performance compares favourably with rival Marks Spencer, which reported an 8.9% fall in general sales for its third quarter. The business of Primark, which has 141 stores in UK whereas 200 in whole Europe, saw a  £122 million rise in profits while like-for-like sales increased by 5%. The Primark retailer store is looking to open another seven stores during their second half of this year (Metro Thursday, January 15, 2010). Associated British Foods, the owner of Primark, has beaten expectations with half-year profits of  £275 million, which was helped by a leap in earnings of 10% at the discount clothing retailer. The results represent a 2% dip in profits for Associated British Foods. However, they were higher than the  £262 million consensus estimate (Primark website, 10 August 2010). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Innovation is essential for the life of an organization. The organisations who want to survive in this competitive era need to make innovation in response to the external environment as well as its internal environment. According to Kotter no business can survive over the long term if it cannot reinvent itself (Kotter, 2004). It is an era of technology and information. The rapid development in technology has changed the attitude of the people and the nature of business as well. In this technological era the process of change is very fast and rapid responsive. Technology boosts the process and made different type of innovation. Primark is the one of the organization who understands the importance of technology and innovation process. Primark is the discount cloth retailer working from 41 years. Primark is the fast and affordable fashion idea. The changes has taken by Primark has significant impacts on company performance and profitability. Primark improves his ordering and logistic system which helps to cut down the over head cost. Primark introduce new operational strategy, the company reduces the timing of waiting customer in queues. These changes help to create the value services to customers. Product innovation and improvement, new design, and better customer services are the key points of customer retain and attract new customers are main focus of company. To find out all the valuable information I go throw with primary research. I arrange interviews with Primark management arrange group decisions on and visit the Primark store as well. Academic literature is provided; company analysis, SWOT, recommendation, and conclusion are the key point of this assignment. ACADEMIC LITERATURE Why Innovation? Innovation brings changes in the organisation structure and makes a rise in profitability. Primark is an organisation which dealing with customers in clothing industry and have big set up to manage it. Product life cycle shows the Primark through its stages. Product life cycle shows the four stages of the organisation, introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. The organisation was at growth stage when the innovation is being done. Innovation brings changes in the whole set up of the organisation. Innovation: Innovation is a breakthrough approach or idea that can be completely new or an enhancement to something that already exist, it is referencing perspective that will challenge many who just can not see beyond what their own experience is telling them to think or do. Ettlie j., (2006) According to Tidd, J, (2009) innovation is something new that adds value; creativity is something new. Innovation is a change in the thought process for doing something, or the useful application of new inventions or discoveries. According to Michael Neito Lewin has three stages model of change theory, first stage is unfreezing that is the organization away from its current position. Once employee recognize and accept it the second stage where changing can begin. The third stage where change is established in organization, its mean refreezing takes place. Employees tasks and structure and socio technical theory a more frequent (Michael. Neito, 2006). The need for Innovation/Change in the UK clothing industry is a given fact that goes hand in hand with the need for improvement and innovation  [1]  (Barrie. L, 2001). Benefits of Innovation There are many benefits of innovation to the organization. The innovation must increase value of the organisaton and customer value. The goal of innovation is positive change, to make someone or something better. Innovation leads to rise in production which means increase in profit. Following are the main benefits of innovation. Creates new industries Maximize productivity and economic growth Fuels wealth creation and profits Generates high-value, higher-paying jobs Raises standard of living 3. Types of innovation Types of Innovation can be classified as under Product and services: the innovation that applied to products and services or market related activities are called products and services innovation. Operational: Innovation that improves the effectiveness and efficiency of core processes and functions of the organisation is called operational innovation. Business model: Innovation that basically transforms the business upwards and provides a better way to work or derives revenue up is called business model innovation. Partnership innovation: Partner innovation mean two businesses or firms get together to make innovation. There may be Government and private partnership innovation for favour of public. Link, (2006) Portfolio innovation: The key to choosing products that contributes to profitability lies in changing the business focus of portfolio management from financial matter to customer value. Mello, et al (2006) Primark has selected operational innovation to up grade the whole infrastructure of the organisation for the favour of organisation and for the favour of its valuable customer. The organisation selects the operational innovation to avoid customers standing long time in queue and for better customer services. Role of Manager in Innovation Managers are either incapable of or somehow exempt from, innovation. Role of manager in the process of innovation is very important. Manager should consider all the aspects regarding innovation in the organisation. According to Roger Bean and Russell Radford there are several points that related to nurturing and fostering innovation that are worthy of more attention to manager. Following are the points that a manager must capable. Personal understanding of the process of innovation Continuous learning and study Curiosity Openness Leadership Focus on strategic issues rather than operational tasks (Roger Bean and Russell Radford, 2002) System development and organizational change: Jon Turner Kenneth Laudon claiming that information system is an opportunistic component. Largely IT systems provided faster and accuracy results in the process of communication. It took the firms to gain competitive advantage in the firms value chain and opportunities  (Jon. Turner Kenneth. Laudon, 1988). Information technology can promote various important organizational change, ranging from incremental to far, reaching like structural organization change that are enabled by information technology: 1) Automation 2) Rationalization 3) Reengineering 4) Paradigm shifts (Kenneth. Laudon and Jane. Laudon, 2009). Innovative Organisation: The organisatiion need to take certain steps to become innovative organisation. Some important steps that should take the organisation are following. (Ettlie, J. 2006) Create strategic vision Create organisation structures that promote collaboration Establish processes to convert ideas into innovations Allocate resources Train workforce on creativity tools Measure and communicate results Recognise creative behaviour Reward innovation results Operations Management: Every time businesses are looking for new and improve methods to improve the efficiency of their operations to achieve higher profitability. Information systems and technologies are some of the most important methods available to managers for achieving high levels of efficiency and productivity (Jane. Laudon and Kenneth. Laudon, 2008). The concept of off shore business and outsourcing has taken a huge advantage for firms to play globally irrespective of its place consideration (Kshetri. Nir, 2007). Operation Productivity: Many retailers have improved their operations productivity through computerisation checkouts, the electronic point of sale system and scanning formats. They use this system to process transactions and monitor inventory efficiently. Computerised registers instantly record and display sales provide detailed receipts and store inventory data. This system lowers costs by reducing transaction time, employee training and the need for item pricing (Barry. Berman and Joel. Evans, 2006). Firms increased its productivity and flexibility with use of IT. But increased cost in installations and maintenance resulted (Olson. Margrethe, 1993). Supply Chain Management: The supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, to fulfil the requirement of customer. These supply chain includes not only the manufacturers and suppliers but also the transporters, warehouses, retailers and even customers themselves, the supply chain includes all functions involved in receiving and full filling the customer request (Sunil. Chopra and Peter. Meindl, 2007). It is clear that it is very important for some level of co-ordination for some level of activities and processes within and between the organisations in the supply chain that extends beyond logistics and this is called Supply chain management (Cooper. C., Lambert. D, and Pagh. D, 1997). The management of upstream and downstream relationship with suppliers and customers to deliver superior customer value at less cost to the supply chain as the whole (Douglas. Lambert, 2008). Total Quality Management: Total quality management mean continuous improvement in the business, it is a philosophy for running a business, manage the business right way, total people empowerment, mainly a focus on the customer, a commitment to quality and investment in knowledge (Cali, J.F, 1992). Total Quality Management is considered to be more incremental than business process re-engineering. TQM typically focuses on continuous improve and change rather than stay just in one change (Kenneth. L and Jane. L, 2006). How information systems support quality improvements? By Mithas, Krishnan, Fornell, the Service industries are performed better with customers than manufacturing industries. Information affects the products quality and its value. With that the research outlined market value of firms are increased for the firms using IT in its core business operations  (Fornell. S, and Mithas. S, 2005). The study found that the new theory evolved in fashion industry due to IT in place. It changed the force of influence and fashion dimension in respect to the type of business (Lee. Jintae and Collar. Emilio, 2002). New Products: The products are serviced is the principle component of marketing as it provides revenue without which commercial activity could not take place. The following are the products used in marketing: Innovative products are completely new to the market. Replacement products might include renowned items with a new design and functions. Imitative products are common and are termed as Me Too products. Re-Launched products occurs when an original product had been declined but the company expects sufficient potential sale if product is altered through manipulating the marketing mix (Geoff. Lancaster and Paul. Reynolds, 2004). New Product success: most established companies focus on incremental innovation can allow companies to enter new markets by adapting existing market offerings for new customers. Seven notion of innovation: See the future through the eyes of yours customer Intellectual property and brand power are key assets. Use digital technology to create tools for customers. Build a championship team, not a group of championship. Innovation is a state of mind Speed is critical so push your organisation Partner up if you are not the best in something (Philip. Kotler, 2009) Technological change and new product development: There are important aspects regarding the impact of the pace of technological change and new product development. The first one in many industries life cycle is shorting. This then creates vicious circle in as much as the marketer must increasingly be looking for new products to replace the outdated ones. Second consequence of the increased pace of technological change is that there is now a premium on being able to develop and launch new products quickly (Geoff. Lancaster., Lester. Massingham Ruth. Ashfor, 2002). Lot of new concepts of business like e-commerce introduced and benefited to firms. It varied firms performance and keeping more available options to function and to develop its operations (Koellinger. P, 2008). ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS By primary research In terms of find out thats what changes has been made in Primark organization, I go through with primary research .I go through with managerial interviews from the Primark FALG SHIP store at oxford street London. I arrange group discussions on to get the customer view that, are the customer are getting the results in the result of the company efforts. I met the store manager INA RANKIN and Dept. store manager MIA RAJ to find out recent innovation made by the company that influenced by technology. I done long time interview to collect valuable information and then elaborate in this assignment. (See appendices 1 for detail inerview) In the result of the interview we found some of the very significant changes that made by Primark and we point out below. New ordering and distribution system: Quality improvement. New Product Line. Cut the cost of packing. Improvement of store operations. Return and exchange policy. Digital administration system  [2]  . Reduction in customers queue  [3]   Treat in Primark ethical trading managed with IT  [4]  . Now I will have a look on each change in a little bit detail Quality improvement: Company constantly improving his quality of product and fitting to give the customer real satisfaction and value for money and the company always introduce new and improve technology in the manufacturing process. New Product Line: Primark introducing hundreds of new product lines every week to deliver up to date fashion regarding the customer needs and demand, when a new fashion introduce in the market its only take six weeks to come in company stores and it because of the advance and improve technological innovation. Primark introduced new product range as well like Denim Co, Butler and Webb range, Rebel, Early days and Backswing. Cut the cost of packing: Primark believes to deliver good quality products on affordable price, so company always try to find out new ways to minimize the price. In these days company made a strategy that to cut the cost of packing. Improvement of store operations: All the stores of Primark having a huge amount of customers every time and the pressure on the tilling was too much excessive, to reduce the customer check out time in long queues Primark installing more tills in every store, it helps the Primark to improve customer services and profitability as well. Return and Exchange Policy: Primark recently change its return and exchange policy. Prior if you want to return or exchange a product you could do only in same country with in 14 days but now you can return or exchange within 28 days and whichever country you want where company stores exist. Digital administration system: The Digital Administrative Management system (DAD) with Business Collaborators management solution providers has introduced to control of large information at one time and eliminated paper plans decreased admin costs by 50 percent as well as reduced confusion with overloading emails. Specifically it is supported to new store development functions. Good communication flow has been taking place with the system to control the information in an efficient way. Reduction in customers queue: An electronic call forward system is adopted to improve customer transaction times and minimise queuing at Primark. Treat in Primark ethical trading managed with IT In the past years, Primark is largely criticised in its gap in ethical trading systems with suppliers who are employing illegal migrant workers. Now new software having a tool Entropy will look the global suppliers to check the mandatory code of conduct of suppliers. Entropy is a web based supply chain audit systems, the remedial actions and quality of working environments can be checked. This is entirely a global system has its visibility and tools of greater control. Business Methodology of Primark Primark is the one of the largest company in UK related to ready mad garments, following are the business points of business methodology. Push urgency up: push up all the resources and skills for enhancement of quality in the field of garments industry using the high skilled and motivated team. Adaptation of new technology for control management process and ETI are significant practical way of getting in, with new information technology as Laudon and laudon 2008. New ordering system is a good example of JIT and Supply chain management. Primark all the time follow high moral and ethic values to serve customers and all member of organization. Its possible when customers happy and beneficial parallel with company in the industry. Interdicting new product lines, improvement of products quality, improving of operations management all are very relevant to TQM and Retail management theories. Primark has philosophy to provide facility of margin, benefits regarding price vice, quality vice, designing services and as well as with employees satisfaction, production, sale, logistic management and innovation for reducing cost and better management. Recommendations Primark should introduce online trading/purchasing. These will help them to increase their revenues, generate more profits and create customer value. It will also help them to become number one Retail firm in the UK. Primark should try to eliminate the perception of low quality from the Customers mind by introducing new products and offering a better quality and keeping the same price range. Primark should expand their business in developing countries. Primark should concentrate on Ethical trading where suppliers are employing unskilled labours to manufacture the clothing and are also offering them low pay scale which in turn is affecting the reputation of the Company. Primark should serve customers of all age groups and not just youngsters. Conclusion In this current credit crunch period where most of the companies are going to close down and some of them are struggling for their survival, Primark is the only organisation who is doing considerably well in this recession time. The only reason is that they are doing well is because they have understood the concept of innovation and change management. Innovation is very important for the organisation but people are scared to adapt and put themselves in innovation process as they dont know whether innovation will be good or bad for them or for their organisation. Primark has adapted to change and innovation has introduced various systems to operate their work efficiently and effectively. They are also opening new stores which are more spacious than before. The reason for their success is innovation. Innovation in Technology management and organisation plays a very important role in todays world of science.   References Albert N. (2006), Public Private Partnership Innovation Strategies and Policy Alternatives. USA: Spring Science + Business Media. Berman, B. and Evans, J. (2006) Retail Management a strategic approach. 10th ed., US, Pearson Prentice Hall. Chopra, S. and Meindl, P. 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Kshetri, Nir,Institutional Factors Affecting Offshore Business Process and Information Technology Outsourcing, Journal of International Management, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2007. Lambert, D. M. (2008), Supply Chain Management. 3rd ed., Pearson Education. Lancaster G. and Reynolds P., (2004) Marketing. Wales UK, Palgrave Macmillan. Lancaster G., Massingham L. and Ashford R., (2002) Essentials of Marketing. 4th ed., London, McGraw-Hill. Laudon, J. and Laudon, K., (2008) Essentials of Management Information systems. 8th ed., Pearson Education. Laudon, K. C. and Laudon, J. P. (2009) Management Information Systems. 11th ed., USA: Pearson Education. Lee, Jintae and Collar,Emilio, Information Technology Fashions(June 2002), MIT Sloan Working Paper No. 4251-02,CCS No. 219 Mello et al (2006), Value Innovation Portfolio Management. Lauderdale, J. Ross Publishing. Nieto, M. (2006) An introduction to Human Resource Management. England: Palgrave Macmillan. Roger B. and Russel R. [2002], Innovative Leader. Managing Innovation by Managers, 11(5) Turner,J.,Laudon,Kenneth, Inforamtion technology and management strategy, NYU Working Paper No.IS-88-26,Feb 1988 [Accessed on 12 August, 2010] www.Fashion.infomat [Accessed 15 August 2010]

Friday, September 20, 2019

James I: The Life of the Shakespearean Patron Essay -- England

On June 19, 1566 in Edinburgh, Scotland, King James Stuart I was born. At the tender age of only thirteen months, young James was crowned king of Scotland. As a descendant of King Henry VII’s Tudor dynasty, and the offspring of Queen Mary of Scots and her second husband, Lord Darnley of England, James I inherited great power and responsibility. Through an impeccable education, James I attempted to resolve personal both personal and governmental issues, as he became a respected and acknowledged patron of the arts. Although he ended England’s war with Spain, strengthened the Church of Scotland, and rehabilitated relations with England, King James I’s flaws were constantly targeted. His inability to handle finances and his obvious homosexuality were also often found offensive. But the king’s love for theatre sparked the most controversy, as it was believed to be James’s biggest weakness. In fact, James I was a king of many inconsistencies. Despite his history of capable rule, he was constantly haunted by the fear of not being affectionate enough to those close to him. As a vigorous hunter, James showcased courage bordering on stupidity as a horseman, but had an overwhelming fear of knives and other drawn weapons. Other than the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, there had never been a legitimate threat to his life or wellbeing. Never the less, James wore unreasonably heavy clothing to protect himself against potential knife attacks. But James’ paranoia and twenty-nine year reign of Scotland did little to prepare himself for the English monarch. England and Scotland, rivals for years, virtually hated each other. This deep-rooted mistrust, along with clashing religious views, severely limited James’ chance of a successful reign. King James ... ...n honor of King James I. Even after being ridiculed for his sexuality and called an incompetent leader, King James I became a respected patron of the arts as he grew intellectual and wise through his reign. King James I was not entirely unsuccessful, but his Scottish background failed to gain him the respect of the English society. Works Cited Andrews, John F. â€Å"James I.† Shakespeare’s World and Work. Vol. 3. Print. Brown, Henry. â€Å"King James I: Shakespeare’s Patron.† Shakespeare-online. J. M. Dent & Sons, 20 Aug. 2009. Web. 1 Aug. 2012. . Butler, John. â€Å"James I of England.† Luminarium. N.p., 30 Oct. 2006. Web. 3 Apr. 2012. . Dewar, David. â€Å"James I.† Facts on File. N.p., 2012. Web. 1 Apr. 2012. . Shostak, Elizabeth. â€Å"James I.† Elizabethan World-Biographies. 129. Print.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Individualism and Paradox in the Works of D. H. Lawrence :: Biography Biographies Essays

Individualism and Paradox in the Works of D. H. Lawrence      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When you read something by D. H. Lawrence, you often end up wondering the same thing: does he hate people? Lawrence has a profound interest in us human beings, but it's the fascination of a child picking at a scab that drives him, rather than a kind of scientific or spiritual quest for some mythical "social truth." Some of Lawrence's works--"Insouciance," for example--question mankind's tendencies outright: what good is served by a world of "white-haired ladies" wasting time "caring" and sounding intelligent and cultured and talking about pretentious, bourgeois issues?(2)    But this work is blatant in its negative descriptions of people and their behavior in society. At one point in "Insouciance," the narrator--Lawrence--comes right out and pontificates for several paragraphs on the defects of "modern" society. But for me, it is the more subtle pieces that hold greatest power. When Lawrence hints, insinuates, or implies his views, he is, in a way, letting us discover the kernel of truth, however upsetting or controversial. This process, utilized in "Mercury," is of far greater interest than the almost direct missive from Lawrence used in "Insouciance," that flatly states his view of what "living" really is. For not only must we discover the meaning; we must also decide whether our interpretation is really Lawrence's intent--perhaps we have confused some inadvertent seepage of Lawrence's personnel venom with his intended meaning. It is a risk we will have to take as we analyze works such as "Mercury". Instead of condemning society in "Mercury," Lawrence actually tries to leave it, ascending to "the top of the Merkur," where he has a new vantage point on the world. He develops some of the same ideas as in "Insouciance," but at the end of the work, Lawrence redeems society, or at least apologizes for it, adding new fire to our question. By the end we cannot, with certainty, tell whether Lawrence hates people or not--and this reflects a sort of internal struggle for Lawrence.    One could lessen the scope and dilute the importance of this topic by suggesting that the "Sunday people" Lawrence criticizes are not humanity as a whole but rather a specific group--perhaps the vacationing, upper-middle class Schlegels, perhaps the aspiring, pseudo-intellectual Leonard Basts of the lower middle class, who think culture lies in a misunderstood walk through the woods.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Colonialism and Africa Essay -- African Countries, Post Colonial Afric

Introduction Modern African states have several problems ranging from corruption, to armed conflict, to stunted structural development. The effects of colonialism have been offered as a starting point for much of the analysis on African states, but the question of why African states are particularly dysfunctional needs to be examined, given the extent to which they have lagged behind other former European colonies in many aspects. In the first section, I will consider the problems with African states from the level of the state. That is, the nature of the states' inceptions and the underlying flaws may explain some of the issues that have been associated with African states today. Next I examine the development of, or lack of, civil society and the institutions which took place across the continent in the colonial era. In particular, I consider the lack of education and judicial authority and how this affected the formation of the structures which exist in the post-colonial era. Lastly, the econ omic legacy of colonialism is analysed, and whether the failure of African states to prosper can be explained by colonial practices. State Formation Ever since the boundaries of Africa were drawn up in 1884/5, very little has changed in terms of the continent's territorial divisions. Much has been made of the fact that the post-colonial states which constitute Africa were the products of colonial demarcations, and whose territories are not congruent to existing political and ethnic organizations. Ethnic conflict within states is an unfortunate feature of several African states, and one which undoubtedly retards development of any kind. There has been debate surrounding the nature of African ethnicities and whether they were synt... ...provision of education in the colonial period affected the ability to develop from within. The civil institutions were weak, and the judiciary unable to provide a balancing role to the central power of the state. Indigenous Africans were typically not allowed to rise to meaningful levels in the industrial complex, and the infrastructure was built only enough to serve the extraction of wealth. The small number of educated bureaucrats who previously prospered in their positions, found themselves as a new elite class in the absence of the colonialists, and it was perhaps too difficult for them to change their behaviour after inheriting the state. In summary, it could be said that large portions of the inhabitants of the newly independent state had not entered into any sort of stable 'social contract' by the organic process which had been the case for other societies.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Likert Scales

A Closer Look at the Age, Peers and Delinquency Relationship Daniel P. Mears and Samuel H. Field Western Criminology Review 4 (1), 20-29 (2002) Introduction: Research Summary: Two suppositions were explored. First, a communal association between delinquent peer-groups and the significance of age as it is influencedamong older youth. The second (keeping in the direction of the theoretical focus), epitomized that substance-abuse-related offenses would have a greater correlation in the relationship between delinquent peers and age. For each violation dependent variables were used, with each offender asked the specific amount of times the offense was committed in the past year. â€Å"The mean values for the offenses, range from a low of . 05 for burglary to a high of 24. 00 for the use of marijuana. † (Mears & H. Field,2002). The analysis with regard to the deviant self-reported acts uncovers the fact that there is a significant age/peer interaction for each violation, omitting hitting someone. The principal finding to note is,†that the expected pattern of age/peer interactions is most evident for using marijuana; getting drunk; and, to a lesser extent, selling illegal drugs, using prescription drugs, burglary, and the offense index. The steady progression in the increasing effect of peers for these offenses can be seen by noting the size and direction of the increase in the interaction coefficients from one age to the next†(Mears & H. Field,2002). For the crimes of: cheating, damaging property, stealing items less than $5, and more than $50, and hitting someone, the nature and tenacity appear to be less apparent. With regard to these offenses, the effects of the â€Å"influence-of-peers-relationship,† seem to lessen. The researchers gave additional analysis to examine the effects of the linkage between heightened delinquency that may be reinforced by increased influence of peers and reducedtime spent with the family model. When included, the variables of peer influence and family time left no discernible significance on the interaction of the age/peer association. Personal Opinion regarding Research: The authors did look at relevant and pertinent data. Samplings from the study were taken from households across United States, as evidenced by the NYS Wave 3 data, and adolescents were selected from the ages of 13-19. The NYS data was used, â€Å"because of its considerable methodological attention given to the NYS and because of the general agreement as to their reliability and validity† (Mears & H. Field, 2002). Mandatory steps were taken to ensure the offenses were of high variances, by creating the index and standardizing individual offense counts. Standardizing the individual offense was necessary to ensure that offenses with high variances (e. g. , using marijuana) did not overly influence the resulting index† (Mears & H. Field, 2002). I found the article to be informative as well as interesting. Mears and fields, speculative evidence suggesting that increased exposure to delinquent peers exerts a unique impact on the inclination of older youth to engage in drug offending (using marijuana, getting drunk, selling ille gal drugs, and using prescription drugs), was very compelling to me. There are many studies and much evidence to suggest that substance abuse is embedded within peer interactions. Adolescents are expected to participate in drug-related deviant acts, with marijuana and drunkenness at the forefront. It was equally interesting to see how the aging peer influence played into this study. Conclusion: While there does seem to be an interactive relationship existing between age and delinquent peer associations (for some offenses). The research was directed more to the drug-related offenses and the relationship between age and delinquent peer associations. The researchers pointed out that with thisinteractive age/peer relationship, delinquency increases with peer influence among older youth. The data from the NYS was pertinent, relevant, and convincing. The findings open other areas for further investigation, such as â€Å"age/peer interactions using longitudinal data. † (Mears & H. Field,2002). Although, I found the data to be factual and valid, I did take note that the data from wave one was collected in 1976, and the data collected from the third wave (present study), was collected in 1978. The only recommendation I would have is to perform similar analysis on current data to add a stronger foundation to Mears and fields, 2002 findings. (Mears & H. Field, 2002) Mears, D. P. , & H. Field, S. (2002). A Closer Look at the Age, Peers, and Delinquency Relationship. Retrieved from Excelsior College Virtual Library Web site: http://Retrieved from http://wcr. sonoma. edu/v4n1/mears. html

Monday, September 16, 2019

Chapter Three Doc

CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 3. 0 INTRODUTION This chapter deals with research method. The research methodology applied for the purposes of this study covered areas like research design, population of study, sampling technique, data collection method, data analysis method and limitations. 3. 1 RESEARCH DESIGN Research design is therefore a plan for a research work, which aims at providing guidelines, which the research work is being conducted. The study employed a descriptive survey research design.A survey research design seeks to obtain information that describes existing phenomenon by asking individuals about their perceptions, attitudes and values (Mugenda and Mugenda, 2003). Descriptive survey research design is the systematic collection of data in standardized form from an identifiable population or representative (Oso and Onen, 2009). This design was adopted for this study because it intensively described and analyzed the role of employee welfare services on productivity of the e mployees of the case company. The method of questionnaire and interview are used in data collection.Data are presented in tables and a descriptive method is adopted in analysis. 3. 2 POPULATION OF THE STUDY According to Mugenda and Mugenda (2003), target population is the members of a real or hypothetical set of people, events or objects the researcher wishes to generalize the results of the research. The study targeted a population of about 400 comprising of clerical staff, officers, senior officers, middle-level managers, and top level managers that constitute the workforce of Leadway Assurance Limited. 3. 3 SAMPLING TECHNIQUE AND SAMPLING SIZEThe method of sampling used is proportional stratified random sampling. Firstly the whole population of employees is divided into departments, and a specific number of employees from each department were selected for the survey. The sample size of 100 employees was draw from the population. Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) observe that 30% of the target population is a good representation of the study. 4. 4 DATA COLLECTION METHOD The data for this study will be collected through the administration of structured questionnaires to a sample of employees selected from the head office.One hundred copies of the questionnaires were administered randomly to on the sampled employees. Eighty five (85) copies of the questionnaires were duly completed and returned which formed the basis of the analysis, while 15 of the questionnaires were considered as non-returns. The questions were tailored along a four point likert scale. The responses were coded and mapped into numeric values; the following mapping exists; strongly agree = 4 point, Agree = 3 points, Disagreed = 2 points, Strongly disagree =1 point (Azika,1991). 3. 5 DATA ANALYSIS METHOD The study adopted descriptive statistics in its analysis.Descriptive statistics according to Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) includes the statistical procedures that produce indices that summarize data an d describes the sample. Presentation of data was done by the use of charts and tables. The data collected was analysed using pie charts, tables and percentages. Due to the volume of the data involved Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used employed to perform the statistical analysis. REFERENCES Madumere S. C (2012) A Guide to Research Methodology Vitaman publishers Lagos Mugenda, O. M. & Mugenda, A. G. (2003), Research Methods; Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches.Nairobi: Acts Press. Oyaide, W. G. , 1977. The Role of Direct Foreign Investment: A case study of Nigeria, 1963-1973. United Press of America, Washington D. C. Root, F. R. , 1984. International Trade and Investment. 5th Edn. South Western Publication Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Serven, L. and A. Salimano, 1992. Private investment and macroeconomic adjustment: A Survey. World Bankobserver, 7(1). Tadaro, M. P. , 1999. Economic Development. 7th Edn. , Addison Webley Longman Inc. Reading Massachusetts. Voiv odas, C. S. , 1973. Exports, foreign capital and economic growth. J. Int. Econ. , 3(1).

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Australia Pre-Primary Education Industry Essay

Rising Traction of Private Players to Foster Growth of Australia Pre-primary Education Industry: Ken Research The pre-primary education and childcare markets in Australia have showcased separate growth trajectory over the years. The pre-primary market in Australia is an emerging market characterized by the rising awareness about the quality early childhood education and care amongst parents. Although the public spending on the pre-primary education in Australia is amongst the lowest spending countries in the OECD, the government has taken substantial steps to promote the access and the importance of the pre-primary education amongst the masses. The regional pre-primary markets in each of the state or territory differ from another as the governing system is decentralized. Henceforth while the market-run kindergartens account for a dominant share in the states such as New South Wales, Victoria and Queens land, in states including Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory, a vast majority of preschools are government funded and run. Subsequently, the format of education and age-group of the children varies accordingly. The childcare market in Australia is a developed and matured market and is marked by a high degree of fragmentation. The childcare market caters to children aged up to twelve and has experienced a steady growth in the last six years, propelled by high demand prevailing in the market. In the last few years, childcare market has been increasingly recognized by the government as a means of increasing women’s employability in the workforce. Henceforth, various provisions such as Child Care Rebates, Child Care Benefit have been provided, which has encouraged increasing enrollments in this sector. The market revenues of the childcare market have increased from USD 7,081. 6 million in FY’2008 at a CAGR of 5. 6% during FY’2008-FY’2012. The marketplace of pre-primary education and childcare industry in Australia has witnessed a growing number of market players after the fall of the market leader ABC Learning in FY’2008. A majority of the ABC centers was taken over by Goodstart Learning, a nonprofit organization, which accounted for ~% of the market share of the childcare market in FY’2012. Other major players include G8 education and KU children services. The market has showcased an increasing number of profit-making players over the years, owing to the growing attractiveness of the market. With the increasing number of Long-day care centers providing preschool education, the pre-primary education market of Australia has been reflecting signs of growing integration with the childcare market. As the number of nuclear families and women workers has grown in the Australian economy, the dependency on child care has also consequently increased, leading to many preschools providing child care services as well. The report â€Å"Australia Pre-primary Education and Childcare Industry Outlook to FY’2017† provides detailed overview on the pre-primary education and childcare industry from various perspectives. The report encloses a comprehensive analysis of the various segments of the market reflecting the present scenario and future growth affected by changing industry dynamics in coming years. Additionally, the report also entails information about the public and private sector initiatives, rational analysis of the macroeconomic factors, along with the profiles of the major market players of the pre-primary education and childcare industry. The report will help industry consultants, companies and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to ongoing and expected trends in future. For more information on the industry research report please refer to the below mentioned link: http://www. kenresearch. com/education/pre-school-education/australia-pre-primary-educationresearch-report/398-99. html The report titled â€Å"Australia Pre-Primary Education and Childcare Industry Outlook to FY’2017Increasing Influx of Private Players to Foster Industry Revenues† provides a detailed analysis of the preprimary education and childcare industry covering various aspects including market size of pre-primary education and childcare markets in terms of revenues, enrollments, establishments and number of teachers, and market segmentation on the basis of gender and region-wise enrollments and type of funding institutions along with ongoing trends in the industry. The report also includes competitive landscape and profiles of the major players operating in the industry. The future projections are included to provide an insight on the prospects in the Australia childcare market. The pre-primary and childcare industry of Australia is a diverse market which has undergone significant changes over the years. The pre-primary education and childcare markets in Australia are distinguished by the age-group of the target population and the mode of education. The childcare market of Australia is a matured market serving to children aged up to twelve. The type of services provided in the Australian market is quite diverse catering to the various needs and requirement of the families. The revenues of the child care market have grown strongly over the years, with supply largely keeping in pace with demand. Over the past years, child care in Australia has evolved from a form of early learning and education to a key mechanism to support labor force participation. The market for the childcare is competed by private businesses, communities and government run centres. The pre-primary education market of Australia is an emerging market marked by low penetration of the services. The enrollment rates for the children aged 3 and above are still very low. The formats and settings for preschool education in Australia vary from one state or territory to another with departments of education responsible for governing the preschool sector each state. Consequently, the market setting of pre-primary education sector is assorted, with Queensland being one of states which has mandated the admission in the pre-primary education for young kids. Preschool programs in Australia are run by both government and non-government services, including community preschools and child care providers. The competitive landscape of the Australia pre-primary and childcare industry is quite fragmented which has witnessed increasing market entries over the years after the fall of ABC Learning in FY’2008, the market leader the industry. Presently, the childcare market of the industry features a number of players which operate on non-profit basis. However, the increasing influx of the profit-making players has been driving the revenues of the market in recent years. Goodstart Learning, G8 education and KU children services constitute some of the major players of the industry. The pre-primary education and childcare industry in Australia has been witnessing growing integration of the pre-primary and childcare markets with the increasing number of Long day care centers with preschool programs in the country. Preschools with childcare facilities are increasingly becoming a common phenomenon, with increasing trend of customized services being offered by the providers. Computer-based education has also entered into the preschool segment, reflecting the increasing quality of the education imparted.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Civic Speech Outline – Teachers

He told his Peasant Princess that she would want for nothing. Well this was new. â€Å"If I want for nothing, then what want do I want? ‘ She thought long and hard about what she could do with her life. The Peasant Princess finally had an opportunity for a proper education. She loved children, and she spent all of her free time creating art projects. Why not combine all the things she loves? Education, Kids, Arts†¦ Do you see where this is going? As an elementary art teacher, she could spend every day doing all the things she loves. And they lived happily ever after!Well yes they did however this Isn't the end of our story. Soon thereafter, Prince Charming ‘s kingdom was overthrown by an evil king named Private Equity Firm. Private Equity took over the kingdom and stripped the Prince of his throne. Once again, the Prince and Princess were struggling peasants. No longer could she invest her time and limited resources in a future career that would pay no return beyond the humble reward of tiny smiles. Goal/Purpose My civic engagement, or calling, was to be an elementary teacher. Today, we will explore the passion many people share to be a teacher.We'll discuss the many benefits and rewards of the position. Then we will question, if it's so great why are so many teachers leaving the profession, within years of obtaining their degree, or In my case, even before then. In another lifetime, or should I say In a land far far away, this was my dream. L. Why? For me? A. . It wasn't the money, my prince provided well. Negative experience as early as Kindergarten. Ensure that didn't happen to others. Iii. V. This was my natural calling. Who I am. How I act. I wanted to make a difference and feel proud. B. For others? According to UNC (Univac of North Carolina, not Colorado) 9 Reasons to be a Teacher Experience the Joy of Making a Difference Have a Vocation, Not a Job 2. Enjoy Interpersonal Interaction 3. Benefit From Variety 4. Laugh Every Day 6. Have a H igh Level of Autonomy 7. Spend More Time With Your Family 8. Enjoy Lots of Vacation 9. . Summarized . Rewarding I'. Fun Summers off ‘v. Vocation II. How many are leaving? The National Commission on Teaching and America's Future estimates one-third of all new teachers leave after three years, almost half after five years! B.Statistics show 40% of students who pursue undergraduate degrees NEVER enter the classroom. I. Take other Jobs instead. Ill. Why? A. You heard my reason. I. Money can't buy happiness? Neither can poverty. It. Ranked #2 of the 30 worst paying college majors. Iii. #22 on a list of lowest paying Jobs that require a bachelors degree lb. Salary the US $35,000. 1. 40 hours = roughly $17 [hour. 2. +30 hours/week grading and planning = $10 b. Other reasons from teachers who left the profession: Starting I. â€Å"One of the big reason I quit was intangible, but very real. It's Just a lack of respect. † ii. Teachers in schools don't get to call the shots. I no longer have control ever how I teach my class† iii. â€Å"Lack of respect from parents who feel â€Å"my taxes pay your wages, so you work for me lb. From older male teachers â€Å"l eventually felt pressured to advance into higher-level administration. † v. â€Å"There is an overwhelming amount of after-hours work that cannot make up for the free summers† c. Neighbor I. Kindergarten teacher-two boys-heading to Jar high. It. Spends more on supplies and decorations for her classroom each year, than she earns. Ill. Once her children no longer attend this school, she plans on leaving as well.Conclusion Today, I shared with you my lost civic engagement to be an elementary school teacher. My children are no longer in grade school; in fact they are now in college themselves. My educational path will eventually bring me too point where I can teach at the college level and by then my grandsons will be attending college themselves. I honestly don't know what I would adv ise if they chose to be elementary teachers. In case you didn't catch it. I am the princess, although we have never quite been poor peasants. My husband was, is, and always will be my prince charming. And yes, we live happily ever after! Class Dismissed!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Evaluating the jury in the English legal system Essay

Evaluating the jury in the English legal system - Essay Example This paper attempts to comprehensively analyze the Jury present in the English legal system. It (paper) would examine the strengths and weaknesses of the jury, based on the current state of affairs. Also, the paper would go on to suggest the manner in which improvements can be brought about in this system (jury). Before proceeding further with the discussion on all the aspects mentioned in the previous paragraph, it would be of help in having a brief look at the jury, as it is seen in the English legal system. Jury Historically, the concept of jury has been there in the English legal system for nearly the past eight centuries. But it was only in the year 1670 that a jury having its distinct power and which is not dependent on the judge was formed. In the criminal cases, the jury comes to the decision whether or not the crime in question can be attributed to the defendant. Likewise, in the civil matters, the jury decides whether the claimant has come forward with proof strong enough t o strengthen their case. Here, the jury also arrives at a collective decision about the eligibility of the claimant to receive compensation. (1) As per the English Law, a person can become a part of the jury, only if they satisfy some conditions. Firstly, the age of the person should not be less than eighteen and more than seventy. To become part of a jury, it is imperative that the electoral roll has name of the person, and it is also required that they have been a resident of the United Kingdom for a minimum of five years, right from the time when they were thirteen. Here, it needs to be noted that persons who are directly related to the judiciary or the department of justice cannot be included in a jury. People who have developed any mental ailments are not eligible to get included in the jury, too. (1) At this point, it needs to be specifically mentioned that all the above are only the most vital points pertaining to jury of the English legal system. It has to be understood that there are several other laws and regulations governing the avenue (jury). As is the case with most of the systems, even the jury has both strengths and weaknesses, and the paper would now endeavor to have a look at them (strengths & weaknesses). Strengths There are several advantages of the jury system of the English Law, and a brief glance at some of the major ones (strengths) would be very much appropriate. Whenever a person accused of a crime is in a position that, despite being innocent the related legal aspects are very much against them, they can take the help of jury. And it is a matter of common sense that there are countless legal cases where, the points enumerated in the law books cannot be of help to the defendant in proving their innocence. (2) Likewise, the jury system can be conveniently rated as being a safeguard to the common man of the country, as it prevents the government from adopting an autocratic approach. To put it in other words, the jury makes sure that the government cannot imprison people solely for furthering its political objectives. A person can be jailed only when they are guilty of committing a crime, as per the British Law. The jury goes a long way in making sure that the citizens of the land are not victimized by the corrupt acts of judges. (2) One of the major advantages of the jury as per the English Law is that, it enables common people of the Kingdom to participate in the process of delivering justice. As a result of that, it can be safely concluded that, the eventual judgment is nothing but the common verdict of people pertaining to varying backgrounds. It (judgment) can in no way be the decision of just one official of the judiciary, courtesy the presence of jury system. In addition, the juries go a long way in making sure that the verdict delivered by them is free of ambiguity. They just need to decide whether the accused in question is innocent or guilty. (3) As mentioned earlier, the members of a jury come from diver se social backgrounds. Owing to

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Branding for Mental Real Estate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Branding for Mental Real Estate - Essay Example In the modern world, art and advertisements seem to have the same purpose, i.e. to motivate and move people towards some form of action (Lee, 2000). In this respect advertising may be a more difficult art form than painting or sculpture since it might be far easier for people to give off an emotion which costs them nothing rather than loosen their purse strings and spend money on something which they might even not need at all. Given the times we live in, even things like the GUI (Graphical User Interface) design of a computer or the layout and graphics used on a website could indeed by accepted as a valid form of art (Brierley, 2002). Fundamentally, both art and advertisements today are all about the money and the amount of sales they can generate for a company. Few industries have seen the drama, romance and emotion at the level of the computer industry. From the earliest government sponsored projects to produce computers based on vacuum tubes to today’s multi-core systems, the saga of computer technology has seen major players ousted and minor players become leaders. While many companies have come and gone over the past 40 years, Apple Computer comes across as one of the companies which has stood the test of time and has managed to turn out convincing products that have given it an image of innovation and being a radical organization (Elliott, 1998). Apple is an American company and one of the front runners amongst computer hardware, software and allied equipment manufacturers. The company prides itself on creating innovative products for the consumer electronics and technology sectors.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Corinthian College Annual Report for 2005 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corinthian College Annual Report for 2005 - Essay Example The annual report is formatted to include an informational portion that need not follow any set format. The actual information required in the report to the SEC is found in the 'consolidated statements' portion of the annual report and contains information to satisfy 10K reporting requirements. The actual report is done by an independent accounting firm hired by the corporation. This firm performs the analysis and reporting functions required by the SEC. Often, the corporation submits an agreement, or disagreements, addendum to the report to explain anything out of the ordinary to the SEC. As stated earlier, the 'notes' section explains the 'consolidated' reports section of the annual report. It is the longest portion of the report and, in some ways, is the most important part of the report. Investors examine the annual report to determine whether or not the corporation is worth investing in. If this is a publicly listed corporation then investors interested in the corporation can purchase stocks and receive dividends from the corporation. The most important factor the investor would be interested in would be the profit/loss section of the report and the 'notes' section that explains that portion. In the annual report for Corinthian College, Inc. the profit/loss section of the report (the balance sheets) is located on page 57 of the 10K report. Its corresponding notes section is located on page 61. Investors would be looking intently at the notes section that explains the assets and liabilities of the corporation. These are explained in the notes section and are labeled 'taxes', 'comprehensive income', 'stock based compensation' and, 'income per share' section of the report. To determine whether or not the corporation is a good investment investors would be looking for how the stocks are valuated, whether the corporation is profitable, and the growth rate of the corporation. The 'balance sheet' of the corporation (the numbers) follows with a more detailed report than is found in the 10K report. The balance sheet for the previous year is provided for comparison. Investors will read this section of the report to help them decide whether or not to invest. Also, investment analys ts and financial advisors examine this section to decide whether or not to track and recommend the corporation for investment. A vital portion to the 'notes' section is the acquisitions page. This report lists Wyo-Tech Acquisition Corp. ("Wyo-Tech"), Learning Tree University, Inc. ("LTU", Career Choices, Inc. ("Career Choices"), East Coast Aero Tech, LLC ("ECAT")., and CDI Education Corporation ("CDI"), A.M.I., Inc. as acquisitions. All these acquisitions may be a liability for the corporation initially but may increase profits in the future. The investor would be interested to know what the future plans are for these acquisitions. Fair market value for the above acquisitions is listed on page 75 and provides a snapshot of how much the acquisitions added to the corporation. The corporation also assumed leases that the acquisitions had in place. One of the most important sections that corporation outsiders would be interested in is Note 7-Preferred Stock and Common Stockholders' Equity section. It explains such details as how much preferred

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Effectiveness of Senior Team Member and In-Depth Knowledge of the Essay

Effectiveness of Senior Team Member and In-Depth Knowledge of the Subject - Essay Example As it has been aforementioned that my role as a senior team member is very notable and important for the success of an entire team, in the same manner, the role and functions of other team members also play a crucial role in this regard. As a senior team member, I should be able to understand the potential, proficiencies, and skills of my team members so that I can effectively place them in the right order and can assign them the right duty and task which fits them the most. Furthermore, I should respect other team members and should expect the same from them. As a team, it is our foremost responsibility to understand that every individual and his role are equally important and that no one is assigned with an easy job or has been favored. Furthermore, I also need to check that all members of the team are performing their duties well and are following all the ethical and legal guidelines of prescribing, selling, and administration. It should be noted that prescribing someone is a serious and important issue. Although only authorized professionals are allowed to prescribe medicines, it is important that as a senior team member I should keep a check and balance on the procedures. A daily, weekly and monthly evaluation of the prescribing practices should be incorporated in the routine tasks as well as auditing and monitoring these practices. This will allow fewer chances of error and will ensure an effective and steady process of prescribing and other tasks. The presence of a code of ethics and conduct is made by the Ethics committee of â€Å"The British Psychological Society† (Cowden & Pullen-Sansfacon, 2014). They provide an insight to the educational, professional roles of Psychologists but they are not merely specific rules for psychologists but they are associated with certain principles that provide guidance on when to fulfill the demand of the patients and when it would be feasible to say no to them.